Blue Water Pointscore open

Entries are now open for the 2021/22 Audi Centre Sydney Blue Water Pointscore.

11 June 2021


The Cruising Yacht Club of Australia (CYCA) has confirmed that they are now welcoming entries for the 2021/22 Audi Centre Sydney Blue Water Pointscore.

The announcement comes with much anticipation following the disrupted 2020/2021 calendar.

This year’s Pointscore will begin with the 2021 Noakes Sydney Gold Coast Yacht Race, scheduled for 31 July, before being followed by September’s Flinders Islet Race, the October Tollgate Islands Race, Novemer’s Bird Island Race, the Cabbage Tree Island Race on 3 December before ending with the Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race, currently planned for Boxing Day 2021.

Organisers have also confirmed that the 2021/2022 Centre Sydney Blue Water Pointscore will also see the introduction of a Corinthian IRC Division featuring competitors with a fully amateur crew.


Perpetual trophies will be awarded to overall winners in each of the six races and five trophies for the overall Pointscore champions.

“The Audi Centre Sydney Blue Water Pointscore is one of the country’s most respected challenges in ocean racing. It brings together passionate sailors from across Australia and abroad,” said CYCA Commodore Noel Cornish AM.

“We particularly look forward to seeing the return of the Noakes Sydney Gold Coast, Flinders Islet Race and Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race, which were all impacted by last year’s restrictions, and are excited to introduce the Tollgate Islands Race (located off Batemans Bay).

“I would like to warmly thank Audi Centre Sydney for their ongoing support of the CYCA and wish competitors all the best.”

The inaugural Blue Water Pointscore was first introduced in 1958 and was won by Graham Newland’s Lion 35 Siandra. In the time since the competition has become one of the most renowned challenges in Australian ocean racing.

The current defending champion is the TP52 Gweilo, owned by Matt Donald and Chris Townsend.

For more information on this year’s schedule, click here.

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