Queensland and Western Australia to loosen the COVID-19 restrictions on recreational boating...
Join bestselling author Rob Mundle as he talks about his new book, The Sydney Hobart Yacht Race.
Tom Slingsby and the Australia SailGP Team hosted the launch party ahead of the KPMG Australia Sail...
Spectacular viewing experience for the 2024 Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race.
The CYCA Youth Sailing Academy is proud to celebrate its 30th anniversary this year.
Australian Sailing have wrapped up their nation-wide Club Conferences tour, with a focus on growing...
Ocean Media has been appointed the Official Adrenaline Yachts Program Partner for Australia Sail...
Last weekend saw the Laser ILCA Dinghy 50th Anniversary go ahead across the waters of Sydney...
Following last month’s postponement, the 50th anniversary celebration of the ICLA Laser dinghy is...
Double Bay Sailing to host celebratory exhibition for the ILCA Laser class dinghy’s 50th...
Queensland and Western Australia to loosen the COVID-19 restrictions on recreational boating...