“Ice Maiden” on screen

Ice Maiden is the film that tracks the astonishing journey of solo-adventurer Lisa Blair as she embarks on her voyage to be the first woman to sail solo, non-stop, and unassisted around Antarctica.

20 August 2024


Ice Maiden conveys the uncompromising determination of Australian Lisa Blair, who became the first woman in history to sail solo around Antarctica. It’s an epic tale of perseverance, pushing limits and believing you can achieve something even when you don’t know how.

The film is a feature length documentary tracking the astonishing journey of solo-adventurer Lisa Blair as she embarks on her voyage to be the first woman to sail solo, non-stop, and unassisted around Antarctica.

Equal parts ambitious and treacherous, this trip has only ever been completed twice, and Lisa’s goal is to break the current record for speed.


Confidently conquering the most perilous parts of the journey, Lisa’s confidence in her success grows. This shatters when she realises no amount of preparation can guarantee her safe return.

When unexpected and life-threatening weather conditions cause catastrophe, Lisa will need to dig into every ounce of courage, determination and self-belief to not only finish this course, but survive in the most dangerous waters on the planet. This is her story.

Watch the preview:



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