Photography by Gregg Porteous
31 October 2023
Australian Sailing welcomed two new Board Members at the recent Annual General Meeting, at the same time farewelling two of its long-term Directors.
Luke Paterson from Western Australia and Richard Wormald from Victoria are the additions, both bringing a wealth of professional experience and sailing knowledge to the Board.
Paterson is an experienced commercial and corporate lawyer with a particular focus on mergers and acquisitions, corporate transactions, venture capital and private business. He is also a longstanding committee member and flag officer at Royal Freshwater Bay Yacht Club, having served as a member of their General Committee from 2012-18 and 2020 to present and as the Rear Commodore (Sail) from 2016-18.
An active sailor, Paterson currently sails Etchells and Flying Fifteens and is part of a team working towards the 2024 Fremantle Etchells World Championships in Fremantle.
A Chartered Accountant, Wormald is an experienced Executive Director, with leadership experience across a range of industries including Retail, Consumer Goods and Financial Services. He currently leads Mastercard’s businesses in Australia, New Zealand, South Pacific and has led the business to become market leader over the last five years.
Richard is a keen sailor and member of Sandringham Yacht Club, from where he sails keelboats, and Royal Brighton Yacht Club where he coaches foiling windsurfing in the iQFOiL class.
Paterson and Wormald replace the departing Skip Lissiman OAM and Jenni Maclean as Appointed Directors.
Lissiman joined the Board in 2016 and was Chairman of Audit and Risk Committee from 2021 to 2022. Maclean joined in 2015 and was a member and former Chair of the Australian Sailing National Safety Committee throughout her term.
“I would like to express my most sincere gratitude to both Skip and Jenni for all of their time and hard work in their roles as Directors of Australian Sailing,” said Australian Sailing President, Alistair Murray AM.
“We will miss their insights and experience at our meetings, along with their passion for seeing sailing and our affiliated clubs thrive. They both played key roles in helping us navigate the challenging times of the Covid-19 pandemic and deserve the thanks of the sailing community for their significant volunteer service.”
Paterson and Wormald will commence their two-year terms on the Board with immediate effect.
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