Safe haven

Margate Marina in Tasmania completes the next stage of redevelopment.

18 September 2019


The next stage of Margate Marina’s redevelopment has just been completed with the construction of an extra 73 floating berths and a 150-metre extension of the attenuator/breakwater. The Marina now accommodates 123 new berths with more to come. The attenuator/breakwater extension now includes a 90-metre section to the south and a right-angled 60-metre westward arm which provides additional protection to the Marina.

Margate Marina is now the only marina in Tasmania providing dedicated individual 30-metre to 40-metre berths, catering for larger vessels including superyachts.  It also has a dual fuel pontoon open 24 hours a day for members and visitors with very competitive pricing.  Margate Marina will soon be the only marina outside the Derwent River area offering pump-out facilities.

All berths have been especially engineered for the site conditions and are complete with power and water.  Construction has been under the management of Pacific Pontoon & Pier.


The redevelopment of Margate Marina represents one of Tasmania’s biggest recreational boating investments, creating extra employment and additional opportunities for many businesses. It is a significant new addition to Hobart’s boating infrastructure with several unique points of difference, including a dual fuel pontoon, berths to 40-metres and pump-out facilities.

Designed and built to Australian standards, the Marina has very generous spacing between berth rows, enabling greater manoeuvrability for all vessels. On land there’s a large hardstand area, slipway and boat ramp with easy access for marine trades. The Marina’s specialised haul-out equipment caters for vessels up to 60 foot (including catamarans) and 23 tonnes. Being developed adjacent to the slipping area will be a massive 650 square-metre marine trades building, a café and chandlery.

The Marina has gated security with CCTV monitoring and the Marina office is open 7 days a week. Liveaboards are welcome and their facilities include keyed access to shower and W.C. amenities.

Demand for the additional berths has been strong, driven by the Marina’s range of facilities and its immediate access to the famous cruising waters of the D’Entrecasteaux Channel.

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