SLAM dunk

Quality Marine Clothing (QMC) has announced the latest brand to enter its stable, with SLAM returning to Aussie shores.

03 October 2018


QMC will represent SLAM in Australia (and Uniform Shelf in New Zealand), having recently signed an exclusive arrangement for both Australia and New Zealand. 

Duncan Curnow of QMC says ‘We are thrilled to represent this stylish new brand in Australia, that although has a new look is still a remembered favourite from when it was available in Australasia some years ago. Knowing how big SLAM was here, and how proactive the team behind the brand are, we look forward to more products and a great impact in the market – it will be an exciting ride.”

SLAM has been under a complete revamp of late with a new owner, new head office (in Genoa Italy) and a new logo.

With some classic products and styles given a refresh, SLAM also introduces new innovative and cutting edges pieces to its collection.  The collection is characterised by elegant lines and a slim cut, but with sizes large enough for the Australasian figure.


Combining traditional colours of the nautical world, such as pearl white, dark navy and optical greys with an aggressive splash of red throughout, suggesting the racing and innovative spirit of the brand. The materials used are the result of a passionate, four decade-long journey around the world to source only the very best. The philosophy is simple – trusted manufacturers, combined with Italian creativity.

SLAM designs, tests and conceives sportswear and technical sailing apparel for those with a genuine passion for sailing, from weekend amateurs to pros.  The first collection, which is focused on crew and corporate apparel (which will be followed by its Sportswear and Yachting collections), is characterised by elegant lines and a slim cut.

Stock arrives in October and will be available from your favourite retailers nationwide, including Sturrock’s of Sydney and Bosuns Locker in Newport in Sydney Australia and Sailors Corner in Auckland, New Zealand with other locations being added each month.

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