24 June 2021
After a tough up-wind for New Zealand sailing with COVID-enforced border closures limiting the sport, Island Cruising NZ’s new owner, sailor Viki Moore, is looking to the horizon.
Moore, whose professional background includes Director of Yachting New Zealand, President of the Little Ship Club of Canterbury and time with the Tourism Authority of Thailand, purchased Island Cruising NZ from Nigel and Amanda Richards earlier this year.
“I am really excited about the opportunity that Nigel and Amanda have given me to take over the business,” said Moore.
Nigel and Amanda purchased the operation back in 2017.
“My travel and guiding background has given me some excellent logistical skills that will most definitely come handy when it comes to planning yacht rallies,” she later added.
But while the opening of borders represents a shift of pace, Moore’s placing at the helm of Island Cruising NZ encapsulates a new surge of momentum for the education and cruising rally platform, with the sailor aiming to expand its offerings.
“While there is still much uncertainty about what the future of cruising looks like with COVID, there is plenty to do now to assist sailors prepare for the borders reopening,” Moore said.
“We also have so many fantastic cruising destinations in New Zealand, so if the Pacific opens up or remains closed, I’d like to encourage cruisers to explore their own back yard too.
“I hope to be able to work alongside members to break down these tasks into more manageable bites, providing advice, assistance, and support while they are overseas to help them achieve their sailing goals.”
Moore’s plans for the service include further training and advice alongside newsletters, discounts, events and rallies for its members.
Moore’ has also expressed plans for a South Island rally for this upcoming summer, trailed by the 2022 Pacific Circuit Rally and Japan in 2023, which ultimately define a bright future to coincide with the opening borders.
“Riding on the success of the America’s Cup, the upcoming SailGP event in Lyttelton and the recent high demand in boat sales, we will hopefully see more people out on the water experiencing sailing,” she said.
“My aim is to carry on the legacy and ensure that Island Cruising NZ will be a relevant, dynamic and an exciting organisation for sailors and supporters to be a part of.”