Reflections on a fantastic voyage

Long before the experience of solo adventurers struck a chord during social isolation, AJ ‘Sandy’ Mackinnon’s charming and slightly eccentric 2002 account of sailing a Mirror dinghy from North Wales to the Black Sea inspired a cult following.

Tropical migration

Every year when the south-east trades are blowing, dozens of cruising yachts join the procession northward along the east coast of Australia. Many are headed to North Queensland, to the stretch of coast between Townsville and Cairns – where they have their pick of over 50 stunning islands.

Simple pleasures

The Louisiades are a string of stunning islands, reefs and lagoons within easy sailing distance of the coast of Far North Queensland. Anyone venturing there should be prepared for breathtaking seascapes and effusive local hospitality.

Heavy weather lesson

The best way to prepare for any storm is to prudently avoid it. But when the inevitable occurs and you happen to be in a production catamaran then you need to have to some strategies. Top delivery skipper Peter Neaves shares the benefits of his wealth of experiences.

The real thing

There are many people living the dream on yachts of all shapes and sizes, on a broad range of budgets, in a myriad of locations. But as Lynda and Keith Logan discovered, it’s one thing to have a dream; it’s quite another to make it happen.

Sail around paradise

A regatta in the middle of the Pacific, a true festival of sailing for 4 days in the Leeward Islands of French Polynesia: this was the initial idea of ​​the Tahiti Pearl Regatta.